2021年9月21日 星期二

Mac OS Bigsur XSAN 7 cmd line 設定方式

     **  Mac OS Bigsur XSAN 7 cmd line 設定方式

    1.  設定HostName

        sh-3.2# sudo scutil --set HostName MDC.private  


    2.  Edit /etc/hosts 增加 HostName IP to hosts


        sh-3.2# cat /etc/hosts



        # Host Database


        # localhost is used to configure the loopback interface

        # when the system is booting.  Do not change this entry.

        ##       localhost broadcasthost

        ::1             localhost     mdc.private


    3.  Create SAN server and account

        user : accusys

        password : accusys

        SAN_Name: Xsan

        mail : xsan@gmail.com

        certificate auth name. In this example the certificate auth name is Accusyscert


        " sudo xsanctl createSan SAN_Name --account user --pass password --user user --cert-auth-name  certificate_auth_name --cert-admin-email mail "


        sh-3.2# sudo xsanctl createSan xsan --account accusys --pass accusys --user accusys --cert-auth-name videocert --cert-admin-email xsan@gmail.com


        PS. "xsanctl listSan"

        xsan (mdc3.private)

        xsan (mdc.private)


    4.  Create an Xsan volume

        a.  export volum setting

            sh-3.2# sudo cvlabel -c >label_list


        b.  Edit the label_list file, changing CvfsDisk_UNKNOWN to the desired label name MetadataLUN and DataLUN:

            sh-3.2# sudo vi label_list


            CvfsDisk_UNKNOWN /dev/rdisk5    # host 1 lun 0 sectors 4194285535 sector_size 512 inquiry [ACCUSYS A12S3-PS         364] serial 50363230313800003632323000000000

            CvfsDisk_UNKNOWN /dev/rdisk6    # host 1 lun 0 sectors 20971501535 sector_size 512 inquiry [ACCUSYS A12S3-PS         364] serial 50363230313800013632323000000000

            Change to 

            MetadataLUN /dev/rdisk5    # host 1 lun 0 sectors 4194285535 sector_size 512 inquiry [ACCUSYS A12S3-PS         364] serial 50363230313800003632323000000000

            DataLUN /dev/rdisk6    # host 1 lun 0 sectors 20971501535 sector_size 512 inquiry [ACCUSYS A12S3-PS         364] serial 50363230313800013632323000000000


        c.  Update label_list

            sh-3.2# sudo cvlabel label_list


            *WARNING* This program will over-write volume labels on the

                      devices specified in the file "label_list".


                      After execution, the devices will only be usable by the

                      Xsan. You will have to re-partition the

                      devices to use them on a different file system.



            Do you want to proceed? (Y / N) -> y


            /dev/rdisk5 [ACCUSYS A12S3-PS         364] unknown  Controller 'default', Serial '50363230313800003632323000000000', Sector Size 512, Sectors Max 4194285535 (2.1TB)


            Do you want to label it acfs-EFI - Name: MetadataLUN Sectors: 4194285535 (Y / N) -> y

            New Volume Label -Device: /dev/rdisk5  acfs Label: MetadataLUN  Sectors: 4194285535.


            /dev/rdisk6 [ACCUSYS A12S3-PS         364] unknown  Controller 'default', Serial '50363230313800013632323000000000', Sector Size 512, Sectors Max 20971501535 (10.7TB)


            Do you want to label it acfs-EFI - Name: DataLUN Sectors: 20971501535 (Y / N) -> y

            New Volume Label -Device: /dev/rdisk6  acfs Label: DataLUN  Sectors: 20971501535.


            Done.  2 source lines.  2 labels.

            Requesting disk rescan .



    5.  Mapping volume to Lun

        -In this example, the name of the volume is Xsan.

        -In this example, the name of the metadata LUN is MetadataLUN.

        -In this example, the name of the data LUN is DataLUN.

        Press Return after each step and if necessary, enter the administrator password.

        sh-3.2# sudo xsanctl addVolume xsan --defaultFirstPool --addLUN MetadataLUN --storagePool data --addLUN DataLUN  


        Verify the volume was created: sudo xsanctl list.                        

        To mount/unmount Xsan volume: sudo xsanctl mount/unmount XsanVolume      

        To remove Xsan volume: sudo xsanctl dropVolume XsanVolume                

        To stop/start Xsan volume: sudo xsanctl stopVolume/startVolume XsanVolume


    6.  For other client to quick setting

        Export the Xsan configuration file for other client

        sh-3.2# sudo xsanctl exportClientProfile                                                                                                        

        After you press Return, the Xsan configuration profile is saved in the current working directory. In this example, the file is named Xsan.mobilconfig.



    # Remove SAN volume 流程!

        a. Verify the volume was created:

           sh-3.2# sudo xsanctl list

        b. To mount/unmount Xsan volume:

           sh-3.2# sudo xsanctl mount/unmount XsanVolume

        c. To remove Xsan volume:

           sh-3.2# sudo xsanctl dropVolume XsanVolume

        d. stop/start Xsan volume:

           sh-3.2# sudo xsanctl stopVolume/startVolume XsanVolume



    # Remove SAN 流程!

        After you press Return, the xsanctl command creates the Open Directory and SAN.

        a. To destroy SAN:

           sh-3.2#  xsanctl destroySan Xsan

        b. To destroy Open Directory: 

           sh-3.2# xsanctl destroyMaster --account accusys --pass accusys

