2018年9月3日 星期一

How To Install lm_sensors on a CentOS / RHEL / Scientific Linux

##  How To Install lm_sensors on a CentOS / RHEL / Scientific Linux
    **  To install lm-sensors on a CentOS, RHEL, Scientific and older version of Fedora Linux
          (fedora v21 or older) to monitor fan speed and cpu temp info, type:
          $ sudo yum install lm_sensors
    **  Once lm_sensors is installed you need to type:
          $ sudo sensors-detect
    **  Next hit ENTER key for everything it suggests. At the end it will ask you whether to add
          what it finds to /etc/modules. If you are happy with the output i.e. findings type “yes”.
         To see the values for the hardware sensors detected on your motherboard / server, type:
         $ sensors
    **  Sample outputs:
         Adapter: ISA adapter
         Physical id 0:  +37.0?C  (high = +80.0?C, crit = +90.0?C)
         Core 0:         +32.0?C  (high = +80.0?C, crit = +90.0?C)
         Core 1:         +29.0?C  (high = +80.0?C, crit = +90.0?C)
    **  Or use the following command:
         $ sensors | less
         $ sensors | egrep -i --color 'fan|cpu|temp' 
##  讀取CPU溫度
        cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/temp

